August 4th/2001
CITR RADIO – Loud and Queer (note, this performance & interview was broadcast on the radio!)
University of British Columbia, Student Union Building  

Matt's Solo Setlist:

TROUBLED (played from matt’s CD)
OH GIRL (played from matt’s CD)


“I had been playing piano since I was quite young, and it occurred to me that I wasn’t a typical piano player…”

Matt’s first live performance and interview on the radio station! This occurred at 3:00pm on UBC radio station CITR during pride week in Vancouver for a program called LOUD AND QUEER! Matt’s interview lasted an hour and it was with his friend and co-worked Garry Johnston! During the hour they talked about the work being done at Langara college, the Check your Booty conference, and Matt’s music and his development as a local artist! They played two tracks off Matt’s new CD (Troubled and Oh Girl) and Matt sang 3 songs live at the piano! The first of these was a gorgeous performance of FOOTPOOLS, followed by a story about the song. Next was WILLOW and then AS I GO ALONG! It was an enjoyable performance and mp3s are now available at Matt’s homepage!

